Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Our Very Own Jurassic Park

This is Sean Patrick Olohan. He loves dinosaurs, as you can see:) Sooo cute! These pictures are from when we went to Dinosaur Park (as an extended part of our camping trip.)

This is me and my favorite dinosaur!!!

I love this picture because it looks like Sean has no idea that a dinosaur is creeping up on him:)

We went exploring to see the dinosaurs when no one else was around so we could get special benefits. For instance, Dad let us climb over the ropes of the exhibits even though there were signs all over the place that said, "PLEASE DON'T CLIMB OVER THE ROPES!" haha

Brendan is so cute....even when a dino is eating his leg:)

This just shows how big dinosaurs really were!

Oh Erin and her runway poses! haha Notice how she is wearing her Google hat:)

Liam made friends with a dinosaur from Montana.

This must be a mother dinosaur:)

Sean is quite the actor...

...but this is classic :D

This is Mom and the Scariest Dinosaur!

Oh no! Watch out Mary!!!

osgood schlatters disease

Hey all this is Liam. Today running track I discovered that I had osgood schlatters disease. It is where the bones in my legs are growing faster than my leg muscle, causing a bend in the bone which pushes it out of my leg. If anyone knows how to treat please blog back.

Dinosaur Park!!!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Our Camping Trip cont.

" The longest journey through life, is down the path that leads us home." Tony G.

Our adventurous hike lead us to an ancient waterfall, a cave, a swamp, and a forest of deer tracks!!

The ants go marching nine by nine hoorah..hoorah...

Liam and his...machete???

Mary, Brendan, Kelsey, and Erin stop to rest after a long day's hike in the sun. We all had sunburns by the end of the trip.

City girl goes wild!!!....haha just kidding. I actually enjoyed myself believe it or not. Sometimes a little bit of fresh air can go a long way:)

Brendan and Dad passed the time by practicing some baseball!!!

Erin enjoyed soaking up the sun and smelling the fresh outdoor air.
"My favorite part of camping was cooking over the fire!" Erin said.

Mommy and Scruffy trying to keep warm!

We enjoyed fishing! A word of advice: the cheap toddler fishing poles DON'T WORK!

No luck catching any fish for dinner:(
Looking forward to fresh water trout.

A Spoonful of Camping

Having a fire is definately one of the best parts of camping in my opinion. You can use it to stay warm, cook, eat S'mores, and keep Brendan and Sean occupied:) I bet that they know how to tend a fire better than I do!

All the kids enjoyed cooking foods on our homemade fire. This picture is of Brendan, Sean, Erin, and Liam preparing some good old campfire hotdogs:)

Sometimes, we even cooked our shoes and oven mitts...hehe:D

This is our tent. We had two air mattresses, but daddy slept with a knife and accidentally popped one:/ It was pretty warm during the day, but by night it was so cold that you could only bundle up and pray for sunrise.

This is the view from our campsite of the Brazos River during sunrise.

Our Camping Trip

Over spring break, the Olohan family went on a grand adventure to a ghostown near Glenrose, Texas. We camped near the Brazos river in a tent....filled with eight people and our dog, Scruffy.